VIN Verify
Great deal on a car? Make sure you know its history.
What’s VIN Verify and how does it help?
Fraudsters often sell NON-REPAIRABLE (also known as IRREPARABLE) vehicles to unsuspecting consumers for a profit. Vehicles with a NON-REPAIRABLE brand assigned by a provincial ministry of transportation can never be registered for operation on any Canadian road.
A vehicle can be branded NON-REPAIRABLE for a variety of reasons such as, but not limited to, FLOOD, FIRE, or COLLISION.
Why is a FLOOD vehicle branded NON-REPAIRABLE?
Any vehicle that has been subjected to flooding to the level of the bottom of the dash must be branded as non-repairable. With water damaged electronic components, potential mould and other issues, flood vehicles are unsafe and can no longer be operated on any Canadian road. Every Canadian jurisdiction follows this same guideline.
Use our free VIN Verify service to check whether a vehicle has been reported as non-repairable in Alberta, Ontario and Atlantic Provinces.
Check a VIN in 4 easy steps
Obtain the vehicle identification number (VIN).
Enter the VIN.
Agree to and accept the terms and conditions of use.
Submit and search the VIN Verify database.
Due to recent natural disasters, some vehicles which have been reported as “Non-repairable” may not appear on this website right away. Please check back periodically to review the VIN number of concern.
>> Show VIN Verify service terms and conditions of use
- There may be other vehicles which have been reported as flooded/fire which are not included in this database.
- It is possible that a vehicle was incorrectly reported and has not been removed from this database.
- It is possible that there are vehicles with duplicate VINs and/or VINs incorrectly entered.
The information derived from the database is provided “as is” and IBC and its Members make no, and actively disclaim any, warranties, representations, or conditions whatsoever, expressed or implied, regarding the information, including in regard to the accuracy, completeness or validity of such data, and any implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular, or any warranties arising from course of dealing, usage of trade or from statute.
The user of this information shall not make any representation, warranty or condition to any third party either directly, indirectly or through omission about the accuracy or completeness of the information, other than to the extent first authorized in writing by IBC.
By checking a VIN against this database, you agree to not hold Insurance Bureau of Canada, its employees, Board of Directors, Members, agents or any other entity which provided this information to IBC, liable for any reason as a result of your use of this information including, but not limited to, if the information proves to be inaccurate.
In order to continue with your inquiry as to whether a VIN is in the database, you must agree to and accept these Terms and Conditions of Use.
The IBC VIN database is made possible through the cooperation of participating IBC members.
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