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Canada’s P&C insurance industry: A major contributor to economic growth

Canada’s InsurEconomy

Canada’s P&C insurance industry: A major contributor to economic growth

Canada’s property and casualty (P&C) insurance industry is foundational to the strength, success and resilience of the economy.

Insurers are there for their customers after a disaster, helping individuals and families put their lives back together. However, few people are aware of the impact the industry has in creating jobs and contributing to economic growth across the country.

The InsurEconomy reports provide the most recent data on the P&C insurance industry’s direct, indirect and induced impacts on the gross domestic product (GDP) and employment. The reports also highlight some of the key public policies that P&C insurers are advocating for on behalf of Canadians.

How the P&C insurance industry supports Canada’s economy:

  • The industry contributes $38 billion to the country’s nominal GDP.

  • The total number of jobs created by the P&C insurance industry is an estimated 297,000.

  • The industry promotes gender equality, employing a higher percentage of women (60%) in 2021 compared to the national average (48%).

  • P&C insurers contribute more than $12 billion annually in federal and provincial taxes and levies.

  • Insurers invest heavily in government bonds that support Canada’s economy. In 2022, the P&C insurance industry held almost $39 billion in federal, provincial, municipal, public authority and school bonds.

Explore the InsurEconomy reports:

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Canada InsurEconomy

The P&C insurance industry promotes gender equality, employing a higher percentage of women (60%) in 2021 compared to the national average (48%).

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Alberta InsurEconomy

The P&C insurance industry plays a vital role in Alberta’s economy with a total economic footprint that supports over 32,000 jobs in the province.

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Ontario InsurEconomy

The P&C insurance industry creates jobs in Ontario and directly employs over 72,000 residents.

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Quebec InsurEconomy

The P&C insurance industry strengthens Quebec’s economy by contributing $4 billion to the province's GDP.

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New Brunswick InsurEconomy

The P&C insurance industry contributes substantially to New Brunswick’s tax revenue. In 2022, the industry's total tax contribution to provincial finances generated $156 million.

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Nova Scotia InsurEconomy

Insurers play a vital role in helping Nova Scotians recover after damage to their homes, businesses and vehicles. In 2022, Nova Scotia’s insurers delivered over $350 million in claims payments.