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DASH Consumer Driver Report

DASH Consumer Driver Report Request

Want a copy of your own auto insurance history? Learn how the request process works and your options.

What is DASH?

Driver and Auto Search History (DASH) is an industry-directed policy and claims information system designed to retrieve driver and auto data for the Canadian insurance industry. It provides detailed reports on a consumer’s auto insurance history including policies, claims, and other relevant information used to provide an insurance quote.

DASH Consumer Driver Report

A DASH Consumer Driver Report is a summary of an individual’s auto insurance policy and claims history. The policy and claims information in the report is submitted by the Property and Casualty insurance industry across Canada. Insurance brokers and insurance companies may use the information on your report to provide a quote, underwrite your insurance policy and determine an appropriate premium. Consumers can request their own report at no charge once per year.

What’s included in your report

The DASH Consumer Driver Report contains four main types of information:

1. Identifying information: This section includes your name, address, date of birth, gender, marital status and driver’s license number.

2. Policy history:  This section includes current and historical information on the auto insurance policies where you are either policy holder or named operator for a vehicle(s) insured.  Additional information includes details for the vehicle itself, policy start and end dates, insurance coverage types and vehicle reported use. 

3. Claims history: This section is a record of auto insurance claims you have made and/or accidents where you have been a third party driver. Insurance companies may use the claim history to help determine your coverage and premiums.  

4. Inquiry information: This section lists every time your DASH report was accessed and by which brokerage or insurance company. Each request or access to your DASH report is called an “inquiry”.

How to request a copy of your report

In order to request your DASH Consumer Driver Report you must provide to IBC:

  1. The completed DASH Consumer Driver Report Request form

  2. Clear copies of the following documentation to verify your identity:

    1. The front of your driver’s licence showing your name, date of birth, address and driver’s licence number

    2. One document confirming the name and address on the driver’s licence (e.g., recent utility, hydro, phone, cable internet or financial statements)  

Note: We recommend that you black out any details that are not required to verify your identity.

Submit your request in three ways:

Option 1 – Email the completed form and identification documents (password protected) to and email the password separately.

Email requests will be processed and a password protected DASH Consumer Driver Report will be emailed to you within 10 business days. The password will be sent in a separate email.

Option 2 – Mail the completed form and identification documents to: 

IBC (DASH Consumer Request)
2235 Sheppard Avenue East, Atria II Suite 600
Toronto, Ontario
M2J 5B5

Mailed-in requests will be processed and your DASH Consumer Driver Report will sent by regular mail to you within 10 to 20 business days of the completed form and identification documents being mailed to IBC via Canada post.

Option 3 – In Person

Email or call IBC Consumer Information Centre toll free line (1-844-227-5422 M-F: 8:30-4:30) and leave your contact information. IBC’s DASH team will contact you to schedule an appointment time during Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. (excluding holidays) to submit your completed form and identification documents.

The request will be processed and your DASH Consumer Driver Report sent to you by email or regular mail within 10 business days of the date of your appointment.

Questions about your report?

If you find any errors on your DASH report, you can dispute the information by emailing for the DASH Consumer Driver Report Correction form and submitting the completed form to IBC in the following ways:

  1. Email the password protected form and supporting documents to and email the

  2. Mail the form and supporting documentation to:

    IBC (DASH Consumer Request)
    2235 Sheppard Avenue East, Atria II Suite 600
    Toronto, Ontario
    M2J 5B5

What can I expect after filing a dispute?

Once you have sent your dispute documents to us by email or regular mail, you can expect the following:

We will investigate your dispute.

If we are able to make changes on your report based on the information you provided, we will do so. Otherwise, we will contact the company that reported the information to verify the accuracy of the information you are disputing.

We will process your dispute in about 20 business days.

We will contact you if we need more information to complete our investigation. After the investigation is completed, we will send you a letter confirming the results of the investigation. The results will be sent to you by the same method that you submitted your dispute.