VINlink Decoder
Need to quickly validate the accuracy of a vehicle identification number (VIN)? Our convenient VINlink decoder online service can help save your insurance company time and money.
What VINlink does and how it works
Using a built-in, “check-digit” algorithm, VINlink calculates the accuracy of the VIN. If it's inaccurate, the decoder alerts you so you can have it corrected.
You can decode any VIN as long as it contains accurate attributes for a given make, model and model year combination. You can decode VINs for cars, light trucks, motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles and snowmobiles. VINlink decoder finds all dependencies among attributes, including:
make and model description
model year
body style
restraint systems
manufacturing plant
country of manufacture
How VINlink saves your company time and money
VINlink gives you on-demand access to vehicle code and rate group information when writing new business or when changing an existing policy to add a vehicle or make a substitution. The decoded information can be automatically transferred to other software applications.
Key features of this exclusive decoding service include:
user-friendly navigational tools
current VIN information maintained in a central database
access to any vehicle's VIN in North America
time savings – spend less time correcting VIN errors
increased productivity with quick access to accurate vehicle identification
ability to send VIN questions to IBC’s vehicle inquiry service
bulk decoding of VINs through the batch decoder service
vehicle validation, decoding, rating and identification tools
ability to launch and/or integrate within other online applications
The VINlink decoder can help you reduce the number of uninsured vehicles on the road, leading to increased road safety.
To learn more about VINlink's features and benefits, contact us at 1-800-761-6703
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