Auto Insurance Endorsements
Understanding changes and additions to your insurance policy can help you better understand your policy and coverages.
What’s an endorsement and why is it important?
Endorsements are an important part of your car insurance policy. Depending on where you live, you may be able to purchase auto endorsements that add extra layers of protection.
An endorsement either changes or adds to what’s listed in your auto insurance policy. It may broaden, restrict or clarify coverage or add drivers or locations to your auto insurance policy.
When you’re buying or renewing your auto insurance policy, your insurance representative will notify you of any changes to your coverage. They’ll also explain what optional auto endorsements are available for you to purchase.
It’s important to read your car insurance policy in detail to confirm it lists everything you expect. If you have questions about endorsements or coverages, contact your insurance representative.
Where are endorsements listed?
Endorsements are listed in your auto insurance policy package.
To review the endorsements included in your car insurance policy, check:
The declaration – this is the front page(s) of your policy that lists key information about your insurance policy
The coverage form – these pages list the standard insurance forms that are part of your insurance contract
The cover letter signed by your insurance representative
Types of auto insurance endorsements
Endorsements vary depending on where you live and are subject to the limits, deductibles, exclusions and conditions that are outlined in your policy. The following common examples are provided as general information only, and should not be relied upon for coverage determinations.